Part 74: Two Pearls


Yeah...I must make sure my goblin companion never tells anyone about...the barrel incident. He'll be better off stewing here.

You know, I haven't been to the Junkyard in awhile. I wonder what's going on there.

Seems like a tough guy, and a demi-human of few words. I like him.

Oh yeah, Elazul's injured and went off on his own. Maybe I should find him or something. The Tower of Leires seems like a logical place for him to go, I guess. I don't know. Just need some adventurin' to do.

Ah, there he is!

Nothing? You were reeling from that wound not so long ago! You're lucky you didn't kill yourself since you left my home!

Guy's not going to back away, of course, so at least I should make sure he doesn't hurt himself further.

Ugh...I still have bad memories of getting lost here not so long ago.

Of course, it's much easier to breeze past these weaklings now that I'm stronger.

Doesn't hurt that I have a skilled swordsman and a magic-swinging yeti on my side.

Alright, that was much less painful. Glad I semi-remembered where to go this time!

Hmm. Perhaps I should give it a try.

Huh. I wonder why I could open it...Wait, I don't have time to think about this!

Wait...Pearl AND Lady Blackpearl?

But...I saw Pearl transform into her! How is this...

Bah... I have no time to ponder this! I have a battle to fight, and this opponent's no slouch!

Video: Boss - Lady Blackpearl

Finally...a fight against a true warrior! A fine time to test my skills!

Might as well go all out!

Though I guess it's not fair I have two partners and a ranged weapon helping me out here.

Ack! Shouldn't be underestimating my opponent so much!

Try and hit me now!


Well, take this, then!

Ha...I believe I've already mastered this weapon. So simple.

...Why does everyone always assume I'm going to cry? I've not shed a single tear in any of my adventures yet.

Well, at least that little bit's over.

Just another day for me.

Heh. Oh well, I guess that's that for today, huh, Fernando?
...Fernando? Hello?